Whether you’re a runner, a cyclist, or just an active person in general, you’ve probably experienced a nagging leg pain that just doesn’t seem to let up. That painful, tightening sensation felt in the hip or knee joint might actually be coming from IT Band Syndrome.
The IT band is a thick connective tissue that provides stability to knee and hip movements. It connects to the muscles in the hip, thighs, and glutes. If these muscles are weak or overworked, the IT band may start to tighten up and become irritated, developing into Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS.
ITBS Pain Relief
Many cases of iliotibial band syndrome are caused by tightness or weakness in the surrounding muscles. To help combat muscle weakness in these areas and keep your IT band from getting overworked, practice a few daily leg and core-strengthening exercises. You can also help eliminate muscle tension and reduce pain by foam rolling these muscles.
Foam Rolling Techniques For ITBS
Because of the tough, rigid structure of this tissue, foam rolling directly over your IT band is not a proven method for ITBS pain relief. Instead, try focusing your efforts on the muscles attached to the IT band: the quads, hamstrings, and gluteus muscles.
When you foam roll, slow down so you can get deep enough into the muscles. Relaxing those muscles will require slow and controlled efforts. Do not foam roll an area for longer than 2 minutes. Watch the video below for specific foam rolling exercises to help address pain associated with ITBS.
*Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you experience any numbness, tingling or reproduction of your symptoms, please contact your doctor.
Got ITBS Pain?
Your legs are key components to your body’s mobility and power, but if you don’t properly warm up, exercise, and recover, you could end up with an injury like ITBS. If you’ve tried the above foam rolling techniques and strength exercises but still struggle with IT band pain, contact Airrosti today. Our providers are dedicated to finding and addressing pain at the source. We use targeted manual therapy combined with active rehab exercises so you can stay active during treatment. We also take the time to educate you on your injury, sharing tools and resources you can use at home to help boost your recovery.
Find an Airrosti provider near you or give us a call at (800) 404-6050 to learn more.
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