by Keitha McLain
I am a 50+ year old college professor of biology/anatomy & physiology. I used to be a recreational bicyclist, along with my husband. We would spend many Saturday mornings out riding…we even rode in Tyler’s Beauty and the Beast event a couple of times. 10 years ago I had a bicycle accident that resulted in a pretty hard fall…I’m sure that’s where my neck issues started. Bulging discs and degenerative disc disease, resulting in foramenal narrowing and pinched nerves, have caused neck pain and other issues. I finally spoke up 3 years ago to my doctor. A steroid injection and daily pills have helped manage the pain. Around that same time, we had a car accident that caused my husband to crush a vertebra, which required surgery. With…+ show more my neck pain and his back, we haven’t ridden our bikes in about 3 years. Recently I started having horrible tension headaches. My pain management doctor recommended Airrosti. I had never heard of it and didn’t know what to expect, but I agreed to go rather than getting an occipital nerve block. Dr. McGaughran and Jen have gotten me headache free after 3 visits. The at home stretches and exercises will hopefully keep the headaches from coming back. Working now on the cervical radiculopathy affecting my left shoulder/arm. I am all about a holistic approach over medical. They teach you how to do things that will improve the issue, rather than simply putting a band-aid over it to mask the pain. I cannot say enough good things about this approach to pain. I now know where to go when pain hits. Thank you Dr. McGaughran and thank you Jen. You guys are AWESOME! Who knows, maybe I’ll get back on the bike again!
by Angella Hullum
Dr. McGaughran is the BEST! I had suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for 2 years. It had gotten progressively worse, to the point I really had given up. I contacted Airrosti, honestly not expecting a lot, but figured I would give myself one more attempt. I am so glad I did! After 3 visits I was discharged with an amazing home program and very close to being pain FREE!! Thank you Dr. McGaughran and Jen! There are no words to express how grateful I am to get my life back!
by Joanna Alders
To be honest, I really can’t convey how grateful I am for Airrosti in a few paragraphs, but I’ll do my best … I was very skeptical when I first heard of Airrosti. It seemed expensive. And really, too good to be true – it sounded like too simple of a solution. But I had gone to the chiropractor 80+ times over the last 2 years, and tried everything under the sun to help my pain … despite it all, I was getting actively worse. I was in constant back and neck pain, that traveled to my legs and arms and hips and head. I was having debilitating muscle spasms that would last for weeks. Even light exercise left me with injuries (and I am an activity-loving person). I could barely sit for 10 minutes at a time because of excruciating pain. …+ show moreI would only have relief for a few hours at best after a chiropractic adjustment. I was falling apart in so many ways. So out of desperation, I went. And I will be thankful that I did until the day I die. Dr. McGaughran and Jen are some of the kindest and most competent people I’ve ever met. They go above and beyond, and then some. They saw me, and they saw my pain, and they have worked repeatedly and expertly to fix it (and believe me, I have given them a boatload of pain to deal with). They have helped me in a way no other doctor or chiropractor had been able to. They have brought me incredible amounts of relief, and greatly increased my quality of life. I will continue recommending them as often as I possibly can. The money is absolutely worth it. They ARE as good as they sound. If they can’t fix you themselves, they will help you figure out where you need to go next. I am forever grateful to Airrosti, and especially to Dr. McGaughran and Jen.
by Jen Hamlin
In college, a BLT injury left me unable to walk for two days…Bend. Lift. Twist. OUCH! For the next 22 years of my life, I suffered bi-annually recurring low back spasms and pain. It was ultimately frustrating, as a fitness professional. I knew how to move with biomechanical efficiency and yet, with good form, I still hurt. Finally, I had the joy and pleasure of finding my way into an Airrosti clinic and I haven’t had back pain since. I’m not bulletproof, but anytime back pain tries to rear its ugly head, I know JUST HOW to smack it down. It’s a beautiful thing. Thanks, Airrosti, for the pain-free living that you’ve helped me enjoy!
by Sherry Watson
I have had a pulled muscle in my back several times before, but this time was different. A few days after pulling my back muscle again, I began to have a shooting pain coming around my hip, through my groin and down my thigh. I had a flooding, burning feeling just above my right knee that occasionally shot down the outside of my right knee. I had never experienced so much pain before. After seeing my PC Physician having an MRI and getting only pain pills given, I was frustrated. My MRI showed no signs of disc issues, and the medicine was not helping the problem. Being into Cross-fit, my son suggested Airrosti to my husband, so he called and made me an appointment at the nearest location, Dr. McGaughran in Tyler, TX. I was so very impress…+ show moreed by his professionalism. I am a very modest person and I was concerned about what would need to be done in my groin area. Dr. McGaughran was very careful to work in that area respectfully, and really set my mind at ease. Each appointment I got better and better. I will say the muscle manipulation was very painful for me. I often had some bruising and tenderness in the treated area, but also felt almost immediate relief from the pain. As I began to heal and regain my flexibility, the pain would subside for longer periods of time and the bruising and tenderness was less noticeable. I had a couple of emotional breakdowns in his office along the way, but he always reassured me that it was ok for me to be frustrated and that healing takes time. I am so very thankful for Dr. McGaughran and Jen. I honestly do not know what I would have done without them and their support. Now, I recommend them to everyone I know having any kind of issue with body pain. I still continue to do the exercises that Jen gave me, and have regained almost all of my flexibility. They treat their client’s physical needs with compassion and empathy. In my humble opinion, that is the very best kind of care you can get. Thank you Dr. McGaughran and Jen, from the bottom of my heart! May the Lord richly bless you both.
by Janet Clemens
I had fallen about 2 months ago and landed on my right hip. At the time, it didn’t seem to be a problem. But shortly after, I began having a pain in my backside and down my leg. It hurt every day, especially standing up after sitting. I treated myself with over the counter meds, massage, oils, etc. Nothing gave me more than a couple of hours of relief. It even began to affect my blood pressure and my meds were not controlling it. My husband had used airrosti in another city where we used to live and had great success after 4 treatments for a similar pain. He suggested I try it. I was desperate. So I made an appointment. After the first treatment, I could tell a difference even driving home. No tightness in my leg. After 2 days of the at …+ show morehome exercises, my pain decreased about 80%. I had such relief- I was shocked! I had one more treatment and I believe it will be my last. I feel better than I have in months and my blood pressure returned to normal range after the first treatment. Airrosti is a miracle. Brian McGaughran and Jennifer Hamlin are amazing and caring professionals who offer personalized, effective help for your pain. Don’t suffer anymore. I have no hesitation recommending them or airrosti to anyone.
by Jason Montier
3 weeks before scheduled marathon I was on the track when my left glute seized up with shooting pains so bad I was barely able to make it back to my car. I was unable to run for a week and Airrosti was recommended by a swim coach. In two sessions I was back to pain free running. I ran the marathon 3 days after the second session and had my 2nd fastest marathon ever.
by Krista Wallace
I was training for a half marathon when I was stopped by severe calf cramps. Overnight, I dropped from running 5 miles to less than a mile because of this injury. After 2 visits to Airrosti, I was back running several miles again. Thank you!
by Kaci Koviak
If you want to be treated at a place where the staff truly cares about you, Dr. McGaughran and his team are the people for you! I came in with so much pain in my shoulder and neck, I could barely move my arm and head without it bringing me to tears. By the end of my 5-session treatment, I was no longer in pain and no longer had to take medication. I could feel the progression of improvement with every session. They gave me back my mobility and independence. I can tell Dr. McGaughran and the Airrosti team care about their clients and truly want what’s best for them. They’re great people, and I highly recommend them to anyone searching for relief!
by Kyle S.
I am a 51-year-old male who experienced severe left scapula nerve pain. The pain graded about an eight out of ten with any movement. My job requires me to be physically fit due to heavy lifting, as well as flexible. Earlier in the year I was diagnosed with cancer and spent three months receiving daily radiation treatments. After treatments, I returned to full duty status at work, but due to the time off and radiation treatments, my strength and condition physically had deteriorated. My shoulder pain had gotten to the point where I felt I might need to have surgery. After being referred by a friend, I started doing research on Airrosti and was impressed by the positive reports. I spoke with my Oncologist about possibly seeking treatments.…+ show more He fully supported my decision. My first visit with Brian McGaughran and Jennifer clearly showed that they were knowledgeable professionals and straight to the point. I was told that it may take several visits to rectify the pain issue, but Brian said he felt confident I could be stopped. Honestly, I was disappointed that it would not be miraculously gone after one visit, but being a healthcare professional I knew he was correct. After two visits I noticed drastic improvements and was encouraged that surgery was not going to be in my future for pain relief. Three weeks after my first visit I was able to drive 12 hours from Texas to Nebraska and return without any pain. Work shifts are now pain free and I feel fully confident if I had not been referred and treated by Airrosti’s Dr. Brian McGaughran, today I would be highly medicated and unable to work. Thank you.
by Angela Clemmons
Many years ago I injured my back at the hospital that I work at while attempting to move a patient. I went to a local chiropractor and he got me from hobbling to walking. For that I was grateful! However, wearing heels would set me back to the hobbling, and on short runs would keep me out of my running shoes for at least a month. To say the least, I was depressed. Running is my happy place and I no longer could go there. 2.5 years I suffered through hip, back, and leg pain, gritting my teeth and thinking this was just how life would be. My husband heard of Airrosti from a coworker and told me he would like me to go to Dr. Brian McGaughran before we went a different medical route. I set up my appointment and off I went to see yet “another…+ show more” chiropractor and potentially throw away more money. I was not able to run after my first visit, maybe more out of fear than anything else. However after the second visit, finally I got on my treadmill and I was able to run a full mile. The next day I ran a shorter timed mile. Before I went back for my third visit I was back to running on the road 3+miles! I was so noticeably happier that strangers were commenting on how happy I looked. Currently I am making up for lost time. To date I have run two 5Ks, a 10K, and two half marathons. I can’t really put into words what Dr. McGaughran and Jen at the Tyler Airrosti location did for me. They helped me get back to my happy place. Thank you guys so much!