by Rob Novak
Dr. Jones helped both me and my wife with very different issues. My wife had back issues for a while, mostly due to working a pretty physically demanding job and not getting enough rest. We tried a traditional chiropractor and ended up in the ER after one “decompression” session. We were scared to try any other chiro so went to a primary care doctor for advice and she was prescribed traditional physical therapy. During this, I got a frozen shoulder and a friend of mine recommended Airrosti. Dr. Jones was the closest place so I went. He and his staff fixed my shoulder in two visits. Meanwhile, my wife had been doing PT for almost 2 months with no real change in her back pain. I told her to go see Dr. Jones too and he fixed her back issues…+ show more in about 4 or 5 visits. I now tell anyone with muscle pain, back pain, or neck pain issues to go to their nearest Airrosti immediately and thank me later. Dr. Jones and Airrosti’s mission as a whole will always have my support and will be the first I call for anything that comes up in the future. Thank you!
by Ali Vega
I came to Dr. Jones several years ago with tailbone pain. I had no idea how or why my coccyx started to hurt. But when I sat down it hurt and it hurt especially when I stood up from sitting for a about 10 seconds of excruciating pain. I began thinking that there was something really wrong with me. I went to my health practitioner and I had x-rays done. Nothing was wrong or obvious but the x-rays helped rule out other serious issues. So Dr Jones started to work on my tailbone. I saw him several times but he couldn’t fix it. So your probably wondering why I am writing this. Well, let me tell you why! The very next year I went to a festival in my hometown that had different vendors that had booths for jewelry, home decor and chiropractors. …+ show more I stopped by the chiropractic booth and felt that they might be able to help me. So I signed up to go to the initial visit, which for $50 got me more x-rays and a consultation. Well to make a long story short they ended up showing me a plan with a price tag of over $3500 worth of treatments and on top of that I would also need to take time off work for all the treatments that I needed (which would cost me pay from missing work). They also wanted me to apply for carcredit so that I can finance the treatments. I felt pressured and so I emailed Dr. Jones to get his thoughts on this and he called me right away to tell me not to sign anything! Dr. Jones said that he wanted to try to help me again. He said that he had seen other patients with similar issues since seeing me last and felt condfindent that this time he can help me . So I came back to him. I saw him at for at least 5 -6 more times and now I am free to sit into my sit. I can sit through a movie in a theater seat. I can stand up from my sit without feeling that excruciating pain! Amen Dr. Jones! Once more thing though, I had also been suffering from neck pain/shoulder pain which I also thought this was going to be something else I had to live with. I came back to Dr. Jones yet again and just finished my last neck /shoulder treatment 2 weeks ago. I was on vacation during my treatments and I thought I was just feeling better because I was getting some rest. The true test was when I went back to work last Tuesday June 7th and I worked the whole week… pain free. The strange thing was that I was expecting pain and I had none. I think I have ghost pain, if that’s a real thing. I was used to being in pain EVERY DAY and I was always thinking about my pain. Now I know that I don’t have to live my life in misery, I actually feel great! I honestly know that Dr. Dustin Jones saved my life! I cannot express how thankful I am for what he has done for me.
by Raquel Sanchez
On October 23, 2014, I dropped my son at school, he goes to college a couple of blocks from my work. He had forgotten his cell phone so I turned around, parked and got down to take it to him. It had been drizzling that morning so as I walked in the school looking for my son I fell down the 3 steps on my butt. The pain was horrendous and I didn’t know whether I was going to pass out or get sick. I thought I had broken my tail bone so I called my family doctor and she had me go get x-rays and gave me pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds and the usual spiel of stay home and if you have any other problems come back and see us. Now I’m not a small woman and would be classified as obese so I’m thinking this is not going to heal and I’ll be hurtin…+ show moreg for the rest of my life because of the extra weight I carry. Needless to say I stayed home from work that Friday and went back to work on Monday but I was starting to have back pain so I called Airrosti and made an appointment to see Dr. Jones on Tuesday. By Tuesday the pain was in my leg and was so bad it was getting harder for me to walk and I had to leave work. I went to my appointment and Dr. Jones worked on my back and leg and I felt fine when I stood up but the pain immediately came back so Dr. Jones said he was going to have me get an MRI and I stayed home the rest of the week. My insurance wouldn’t pay for an MRI so I had a CT scan and it showed I had herniated a disc that was putting pressure on my sciatica (left side). By the time I went to get the CT scan I was already on crutches and had to lay down in the backseat of my car since sitting down was not possible. Dr. Jones sent me to a back surgeon since he was not sure this was something he could handle and on November 3, 2014 I went to see Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith told me the disc would fix itself and that I needed to stay with Dr. Jones for treatment and follow up with him on November 25th. I set up my appointments with Dr. Jones those next few weeks, followed Dr. Jones and Dayna’s instructions and before I went to see Dr. Smith I was off my crutches and able to walk again without any pain. At my “last” appointment Dr. Jones was going to set up another appointment after Thanksgiving but I told him I was doing good and although he was hesitant to release me told me that if anything should happen he wanted to see me back in the office that first Monday after Thanksgiving. Dayna repeated the sentiment and I thought how truly blessed I am to have two such wonderful people taking care of ME, wanting to make sure that I am doing ok. I doubt that I could have come this far, that fast without the help of Dr. Jones and Dayna. I’ve heard people stay in bed or are out of work for months with this type of injury but I only missed about 2 weeks of work and I can only say that it was all thanks to Dr. Dustin Jones, Dayna Lowke and Airrosti. I recommend Airrosti to everyone and ask them to check with their insurance carrier to see if Airrosti is a possible alternative.
by Reynalda Torres
I moved from the Buda area and I so miss Dr. Dustin Jones. He ROCKS; he would always take care of any neck, shoulder, or back issues I had. I have no choice but to make that extra trip and get back in his office soon! It’s true, we don’t know what we have until we don’t have it any longer.
by Luke Martin
I came to Dustin and Dayna with severe knee pain. I had knee surgery about 6 months prior and physical therapy as well. The treatments were excellent and the people were exceptional. I am totally satisfied with the results.
by Jacquelyn Joseph
To start off…I LOVED my experience with Dr. Jones. When I was in junior high school I suffered from a very traumatic neck injury. This left my neck very weak and my shoulders seemed to pick up all the slack. As a result, when I was in a car accident earlier this year I sought treatment. As my neck got better with traditional chiropractic care my left shoulder got worse and worse. At my first appointment with Dr. Jones I saw a HUGE improvement in my range of motion and my pain level decreased dramatically. Things just kept getting better. Before my fourth appointment, supposed to be my last, I over did it with an all day multi-hour yogathon and had brought on not only pain, but a headache and nausea. Dr. Jones fixed me up, 0% headache, …+ show morepain and nausea by the next day. To make sure that I could pursue my fitness desires I was asked to return for one last appointment but only after I went back for more yoga. 100% satisfied! I’ve since recommended Airrosti and Dr. Jones to at least 6 people. I simply cannot speak highly enough of them. They will be my go to for injuries from now on.
by Alexis Segura
I have had reoccurring problems with my quad and knee. I finally went to Airrosti through the pushing of my mom. While it was not the most pleasurable treatment it has been the most effective. Dr. Dustin Jones and Dayna have been great. I was shown not only treatment methods to strengthen the area that was injured but also preventative measures. I was able to go back to playing soccer and run track, making it to Regionals running at 5:26 mile with just a few weeks of training. Thank you Dr. Jones and Dayna for getting me back on the pitch and back on the track!
by Stephanie Wordekemper
I originally went to see Dr. Jones after having a conversation with him about some lower back problems I was having. He was very honest and seemed like he knew what he was doing so I scheduled my appointment. After seeing Dr. Jones 1 time, my lower back was doing better and my ability to bend and move was tremendously improved! Since my first experience with Dr. Jones, any little glitch that comes up in my body, my first go-to is Dr. Jones. He has been able to cure these little glitches without me seeing another provider for further treatment. Dr. Jones and Dayna were very welcoming and professional and treat you like an individual, not just another patient. I don’t ever have to remind either one of them what issue needs to be addressed,…+ show more they both know me and are able to help me to the fullest! I will continue to see Dr. Jones, if any more issues do arise, because I know that after treatment I will be better and I won’t have to live in pain anymore!
by Amie Kotrla
Dr. Jones has helped me manage my neck and back pain not only by his treatments in office, but by thoroughly explaining why my pain is happening and how to manage it in the future. The stretching and exercises he and Dana prescribe help my work through the pain and help if the pain comes back in the future without having to make another appointment. I love the proactive approach!
by Raven Garner
I have had severe migraine attacks for most of my life that I have tried to control through medication, therapy, and the “latest and greatest” new techniques. I have found that Airrosti gives me my best chance of preventing migraine attacks from occurring. However, an added benefit that I was unaware of at the time I started Airrosti was the overall benefit that it gives me for my entire body. I tried Airrosti after a skiing incident where I injured my shoulder, and found the same relief for my shoulder as I did for my head. I am extremely pleased with the results that Airrosti gives me and will continue to use Dr. Jones to improve my quality of life.
by John Julitz
Quite frankly, without Dr. Dustin Jones & Dayna Lowke, I would be unable to train for my first marathon. In preparing for the Chicago Marathon, Dr. Jones & Dayna worked tirelessly to treat a wide-range of issues I developed; including shin splits, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, lack of flexibility, etc. The Airrosti team exhibited as much commitment to my recovery & treatment as I have with my running schedule. Without them, I’d never be able to complete the training program, let alone compete in Chicago. Dr. Jones & Dayna are my saviors.
by Dennis Benavides
I first learned of Airrosti when our daughter went in for treatment of chronic pain in her knees from playing soccer, volleyball and running track. Boom! In just 3 visits with Dustin Jones and Dayna Lowke the pain was gone. Since then both my wife and I have sought treatment for back spasms. The treatments are effective, plain and simple. The staff is professional, knowledgable and super friendly!
by Tim Hill
I visited Dr. Jones due to a neck and knee injuries and Dr. Jones was fantastic is isolating the injuries, discussing the effect of the injuries and after a couple of therapy treatments, he and his staff were successful in alleviating the pain associated with my injuries.
by Veronica Garza
I’ve been to orthopedic doctors for injuries before. Each time I would have to go to many physical therapy sessions (6+) and eventually, I would feel better. I tried Airrosti for hip pain a few years ago and I was amazed at the immediate relief from just one visit. My old doctor moved so I had to find a new Airrosti doctor. My friend referred me to Dr. Jones. I have been to Dr. Jones for several different injuries. He’s worked on my shoulder, back, neck and most recently, a high hamstring/glute issue. Some injuries take a few more visits than others, but each time, there is always improvement. Ultimately, I end up totally pain free! My last injury only took one visit to resolve the issue. Dr. Jones and Dayna are just about the nicest peo…+ show moreple you’ll meet. Dayna is very knowledgeable about different stretches that will help work out the injury. I don’t know how they do it, but it works! Any time I have an injury, I make an appointment to see Dr. Jones because I know I’ll feel better after my first visit. I refer as many people as I can to see him and those that do feel the same way. Thanks Dr. Jones and Dayna!
by Heather Guerin
My daughter, 14, is an elite level gymnast. Airrosti keeps her in the game with quick, effective treatments coupled with top-notch physical therapy. For sports related injuries, we tried using traditional medicine and physical therapy. Quite simply, they were a waste of time. Placing a gymnast in a cast or boot for 6-8 weeks for a soft tissue injury isn’t the only answer. Regular physical therapy was laughable. It quickly became they were treating the symptoms, and not the cause. With Dr. Dustin Jones and therapist Dayna Lowke, they work wonders keeping my daughter active and strong. We absolutely couldn’t have done it without them.
by Phillip Hutton
Over the last year and a half, Airrosti has significantly helped me recover from many types of sports-related injuries. After I completed my first marathon, Dr. Dustin Jones successfully treated my nagging IT band syndrome. I am back to running about 25 miles pr week. More recently, Dr. Jones and Dana Lowe both helped me grind through tendonitis in both elbows. I have now fully resumed my weight lifting programs. Overall, Airrosti has been wonderful for me and my active lifestyle.
by Tina Guzman
My experience with Airrosti was amazing! Dr. Jones and Dayna are wonderful people. I went in to get treatment for my tennis elbow and I must say after three to four visits I was able to continue working out and doing my normal activities. I highly recommend anyone of my friends/co-workers that have injuries to go and see Dr. Jones and Dayna or any other Airrosti center for treatment as Airrosti Rehab is the best!
by Erika Mott
My experience with Airrosti was amazing! Dr. Jones and Dayna are wonderful people. I went in to get treatment for my tennis elbow and I must say after three to four visits I was able to continue working out and doing my normal activities. I highly recommend anyone of my friends/co-workers that have injuries to go and see Dr. Jones and Dayna or any other Airrosti center for treatment as Airrosti Rehab is the best!
by Paul Alvarez
As a paramedic for 22 years, I have absorbed various job related lifting and moving strains and injuries. Accordingly I have tried a variety of treatment modalities, including chiropractic, acupuncture and acupressure; while these worked in the short term, each required monthly to weekly maintenance appointments. I was referred to Airrosti by a coworker; the Airrosti provider explained the process and believed he could improve my outcome in three visits. I was initially skeptical of the self-assurance demonstrated by the provider regarding the success of his treatment plan. However, his plan worked despite my deviation from his instructions (heavy squats) between sessions. That was several years ago and I continue to use Airrosti, when n…+ show moreeeded, as my primary treatment venue for back issues. Additionally, I have suggested Airrosti to other medics experiencing back pain and each one was and continues to be satisfied with the care they received from Airrosti.
by Diane Leija
I have been a patient of Dr. Jones since his arrival at the Buda, Texas location. He has treated me for symptoms related to past injuries as well as current injuries, and his expertise has significantly improve my quality of life. Dr. Jones and recovery specialist Dana Lowke are knowledgeable, skilled, explanatory and approachable. Most importantly, they truly care about their patients. I have recommended Dr. Jones to dozens of family and friends and will continue to do so. Airrosti has truly improved my life. Thanks!
by Khristof Oborski
I first met Dr. Jones when he treated my daughter for a knee injury. Since then I have returned for several injuries that I have sustained from the gym and work. My wife is also is treated by Dr. Jones. I am assigned to a local police department swat team where I regularly accrue tweaks and injuries. Recently, I visited an orthopedic surgeon who have me a cortisone shot in my knee. After months of pain, I visited Dr. Jones. After 3 treatments, my knee pain is completely gone. I have referred several of my teammates to Dr. Jones and they have all had great experiences as well.
by Cody Salyer
I received a number of injuries during a car accident, including shoulder and elbow injuries as well as my ribs, back and neck. After visiting with Dr. Jones and Dayna at Airrosti in Buda, I knew I was in good hands. Just from talking with them, could tell this wasn’t their first rodeo. They both had confidence that they could help me. Because of the many number and severity of the injuries I had received, I have seen them more often than most patients, but I could see improvement in my range of motion even after just the first visit. I don’t know where I would be without the help from Dustin and Dayna. They are both excellent in what they do. I have and will continue to recommend Airrosti to any, and everyone I know.
by Walt Settlemyre
My name is Walt Settlemyre. I have several friends I work with as Rescue Paramedics, and who like me are CrossFitters, and who also have similar lower back, L4-L5 injuries like myself that flare up from time to time. While my chosen profession, CrossFit, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are likely not on most 50 year old man’s list of low impact workouts, though I am so far still going strong, that is other than my occasional back re-injury. One of my coworkers who has been a huge advocate Airrosti recommended Dr. Dustin Jones at Airrosti Buda. In short, 3 visits and I was back to 100%! Strangely this was not what was so very impressive about my Airrosti visits! Having my injury addressed so quickly was great, however it was Dr. Jone’s demeanor, …+ show moreand his willingness to listen to my view of my injury. This is huge for me working in the medical profession myself for over 20 years; I know how rare it is for a Doctor to actually listen to the patient’s concerns especially in regards to something as esoteric as back pain. More so, his Rehab Specialist Dayna Lowke, whom I found out has an extensive gymnastics and Crossfit background, was not only key in helping me achieve max mobility in my injury, she was also a very valuable resource for a lot of questions I had in regards to flexibility, and increasing my mobility in areas other than my injury. Her understanding of my sport specific background was key in helping me with these other areas. She was also able to direct me to a local retailer for Rocktape for my elbow injury. The experience with which both Dr. Jones and Dayna had with me was, I believe, something that is becoming a rarity in medicine these days. I am now a life long fan of Dr. Jones and Airrosti. So much so that I wrote a blog post about my experience on my Health and Fitness for EMS providers blog. We are an affiliated CrossFit Box and my experience with Airrosti Buda and Dr. Jones, with Dayna had enough impact on me that I felt I should write about it aside from writing my thoughts here. Thanks for getting me back at Airrosti!
by Alisha Edwards
Dr. Jones and Dayna Lowke are just a great combination. Other than of course being knowledgeable in their field, they are both super friendly and easy to talk to. You feel a sense of comfort and the passion they have towards their patients. Treating the tension in my lower back allowed me to continue to train and compete in Spartan obstacle races.
by Craig Duran
I sustained a couple injuries in CrossFit. I’ve seen Dr. Dustin Jones and Dayna Lowke for my shoulder and arm. Their expertise with Airrosti and Physical Therapy have made a huge difference in my recovery. Some of the therapy methods I still use today for pre and post workouts for warm ups and stretching. Since my visits I haven’t sustained further injuries in the areas I set up my appointments for. I recommend anyone that has had any injuries from CrossFit or any other physical activity to try Airrosti and if you live in the Buda/Kyle TX area set up an appointment with Dr. Jones.
by Hailee Morton
I went into Airrosti with a sprained ankle on Wednesday, hoping to play volleyball on Friday. I asked Dr. Jones if he could have me ready for Friday and he told me possibly. I was able to play in Friday’s game and Saturdays tournament. Ms. Dayna showed me new exercises and stretches that have helped me in my healing process. I’m very thankful for all of the help Airrosti has provided to me.
by Cassie Velasquez
After a spin class a few years ago that resulted in Rhabdomyolysis I have been extremely cautious about working out and sports injuries. Recently I started interval training to build toward being able to run a 5k. During my first running session it was obvious the pain in my foot needed attention. My sister had been going to Airrosti to help with back pain and recommend I try it out to investigate what could be the cause of my foot pain. Dr. Jones and Dayna were both knowledgeable, supportive and provided great instructions for the homework exercises. My initial pain was resolved within the first visit and allowed me to continue my training knowing that I have a reliable team to help me with any future issues.
by Billy W.
I came to Airrosti not really knowing very much about what they do. I showed up with some nerve/hip issues after a run. Both Dustin and Dayna took time to explain what they thought was wrong and put me on a treatment plan to recovery. After a few short weeks, I have seen the pain go from very present on every run to gone after my last! Thank you!
by Wanda R.
I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back several months ago. I was on Tramadol for the pain. It was a sharp constant pain that interfered with my life and work and made me sad. I had steroid injections and it helped for a short time. They were planning another round of steroid injections and then to deaden the nerve. I was very frightened by the idea of deadening a nerve. What if I need it or what if they got the wrong one?I went for Airrosti with Dr. Jones for four visits and I continue my exercises Dayna gave me. My severe pain seems to be gone. I am much happier and have more hope for the future. Thanks for everything.
by Cassie T.
I have been going to Airrosti for the past few years to treat various injuries related to running. Dr. Jones and Dayna from the Buda office have been critical in returning me to my pre-injury self. They are both knowledgeable and get to the bottom of the injury quickly. One of the best parts about Airrosti is that they encourage you to continue exercise even while undergoing treatment. For those of us that cannot imagine taking a break from exercise this is music to our ears. If you want to feel better fast then I highly recommend Dr. Jones and Dayna.
by Paul R.
My Airrosti story is easy to tell. I was hurting preparing for a 10K run. I remembered last winter my son had great success with Airrosti. This triggered my thoughts into getting some treatment from Airrosti Buda. I have very little to no pain after three visits. I will be back to see Dustin and Dayna to make sure I am in my best form for the 10K.
by Megan Lebsock
I had a long-standing issue with pain in my left foot as a result of an old injury. I had been to several other doctors trying to get the pain to go away and after physical therapy, cortisone shots and many pairs of shoe inserts and orthotics, I not only still had pain but I could only walk for short periods and limped constantly. I met an Airrosti doctor in San Antonio through a work assignment and was very interested in the work he was doing. I distinctly remember asking him, with a fair amount of skepticism, if what he did could help my plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. He told me that I could most definitely benefit from being treated by an Airrosti practitioner.I soon discovered that there was an Airrosti doctor near my house an…+ show mored that he could see me within a few days. Still skeptical, but hopeful, I began seeing Dr. Jones in Buda, Texas. Within a matter a few treatments I stopped limping. Today, I have no pain. I haven’t limped in months and I don’t wake up everyday with a gait of a person much older than I am. Dr. Jones and Dayna Lowke have literally been able affect change where multiple other doctors were completely unsuccessful. I’m so thrilled with my results that I tell everyone who will listen that they need to find themselves an Airrosti doc too!
by Renee H.
After going to a podiatrist for three years and having cortisone shots in each foot every three months, having surgery was my next step. I then heard about Airrosti through my PA at my physical and set an appointment right away. Six treatments on my right foot and five treatments on my left was all it took with Dr. Jones. He is awesome at what he does. If I start to feel any pain, I do the exercises Dayna in PT taught me and no more pain, it goes away. Dayna is awesome at what she does and the stuff she teaches you is easy to remember at home and stuff you can do anywhere. Absolutely love them. I now am going to them for some shoulder issues. I recommend them to anyone I can!
by Mike H.
My family has had years of “magical” success with Airrosti. I say “magical” because that’s how I describe to my friends what they do — Magic. A number of years ago I had what was approaching a frozen shoulder. Airrosti fixed it in three visits. When my son was in high school, he was ready to quit athletics because of severe Osgood Schlatter (OS) below his right knee. The pain was so excruciating he couldn’t stand it. Four visits to Airrosti and he never had a single problem or pain from OS again. Most recently I developed patellar tendonitis and was afraid I might be forced to give up running. I’m a bit older now so it took Dr. Jones five visits to get me squared away completely, but he corrected my patellar tracking issue and h…+ show moreas me back out on the trails. Thank you Dustin and thank you Dayna for the wonderful physical rehab instruction. You guys are the best!
by Sandra L.
I had taken my son to Dr. Dusty a couple of times and was able to get him fixed up and back on the pitch quickly. I had recommended him to a lot of my friends after I’d seen the results my son, Chase, got. So, when I hurt my back around 5:00am in the morning, I was calling Airrosti by 7:00am to get an appointment ASAP. I had great results after the first treatment alone! I was lucky to be aware of what Dr. Dusty can do for those in pain, so I didn’t have to suffer too long. Chase and I both recommend Dr. Dusty to all of our friends and even strangers. His PT Dayna is great too. We are lucky to have an Airrosti office in Buda!
by Michelle H.
Dr. Jones and Dayna are incredible. As a runner, I have had a handful of injuries. Dr. Jones has always been incredibly knowledgeable and very effective in thoroughly treating any injury I have experienced. He and Dayna have helped me to quickly recover and have always taught me ways to help prevent injuries in the future. I am forever thankful for the kindness and professional care I have received in this practice. I recommend Airrosti, and specifically Dr. Jones, to anyone experiencing any injury that I know Airrosti can help. I am a big believer in this treatment and trust Dr. Jones’ expertise and advice. Thank you!
by Erin A.
I really enjoyed my Airrosti experience. Scheduling my appointments was convenient and easy. Dr. Jones and Dayna were both very helpful and made me feel comfortable in a situation that easily could have been uncomfortable. I really appreciate the Airrosti philosophy of keep moving. It is so much easier to work through an injury, rather than lose motivation waiting for it to heal.
by Amanda S.
Being a very active weekend soccer player, I’ve had to seek treatment for chronic issues, as well as acute injuries. I reached out to Airrosti last fall after a couple years of multiple soccer games each weekend had caused tendinitis in my hip. I experienced improvements after just one treatment and after a few more, significant pain reduction. I also gained knowledge about stretching and icing that have helped me since that treatment stopped. Since that, I’ve had pulled muscles, knee injuries, and wrist pain. Dr. Jones and Dayna were been able to treat each of these effectively, not only getting me back to my activities quickly, but teaching me ways to take care of myself. Dr. Jones is my first call when any pain starts interferin…+ show moreg with my active life.
by Michele P.
If you have ever considered pursing Airrosti treatment but have some fears or reservations, I urge you to wait no longer! As a sixty-something-year-old woman, I am very active, and Dr. Jones and his recovery specialist, Dayna, have helped to keep me that way. I have been a chiropractic patient all of my life, but this new Airrosti treatment is like no other I have ever received. I have had cervical problems as well as some problems with my lumbar, and Dr. Jones targets the issues I have at the time, works the affected area in two to three treatments, and literally cuts the recovery time in half! Perhaps more quickly than that. Understand that I believe in any method of healing that will benefit the patient, whether it is medical, hom…+ show moreeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, etc. But I can attest to the fact that Dr. Jones’ healing hands and Dayna’s expertise in prescribing the right physical therapy for me at the time has helped me get back on my feet and get back to my active life. Don’t wait any longer to get the help you need.
by Dennis D.
I have been a happy, satisfied Airrosti patient under the care of Dr. Jones for years. I consider your brand of sports medicine the best way, by far, to proactively treat my muscular injuries. I have also picked up plenty of helpful stretching and maintenance tips from his assistant Dayna Lowke and I frequently refer to their results as “magic”. The most recent example of their “magic act” prepared me for a very special 10-mile race. My family wanted to celebrate my uncle’s 70th birthday by running a local race with him. Unfortunately, I suffered a really intense calf strain/pull while training for it. As confident as I was in Dr. Jones’ ability to fix my calf, I didn’t think there was enough time to be ready for the race. Somehow Dr. Jo…+ show morenes and Dayna Lowke had me ready to go just in time for race day. I couldn’t believe it! A traditional doctor would have likely had me resting with pain medication that morning. With Airrosti, I was out on the course with my family making memories that will last forever! Thanks guys!
by Robin H.
A fellow CrossFit member referred me to the Airrosti team in Buda, Texas. An old elbow injury made it impossible to do most of the main CrossFit exercises. Cleans, snatches, muscle ups were almost impossible. After five sessions with Dr. Jones and Dayna’s treatments, I felt like I received a new arm. Elbow pain was almost completely gone. Great treatments, great home exercises, great people. Today I clean-jerk over 255 pounds without any pain at all. Thanks Airrosti Team Buda! YOU are AWESOME!
by Sara O.
I tried Airrosti for the first time after having my first child. Immediately after having him, walking on my left foot became excruciatingly painful. Not having heard of Airrosti at the time, I was seen by a podiatrist for 6 months. During those 6 months, I had multiple X-Rays taken, an MRI, given multiple steroid creams, and ultimately placed in a walking boot with absolutely no improvement. After talking about receiving steroid injections to ease the pain, I started looking elsewhere for relief. After my first treatment on my foot, I was able to walk out of the Airrosti Center without ANY pain. Needless to say, I returned during my second pregnancy for SI Joint pain with great results. After having my second child, the foot pain…+ show more retuned again, but in the right foot this time. Dr. Jones resolved my foot pain within four visits. I recommend Airrosti therapy to everyone I know because I have had such great results. However uncomfortable as it may be, the results are amazing both in the relief from pain and the speed of which it occurs. Dr. Jones and his therapist Dayna are very professional, friendly and very good at what they do. I highly recommend them if you have any aches and pains!
by Caroline S.
We stumbled across Airrosti when my son injured his hip playing basketball. Some friends of ours mentioned Airrosti, and the rest is history! My son and I are FIRM believers in Airrosti. Dr. Jones had Jake’s hip ready to play ball with just a couple of visits. Dayna taught him the proper stretches and how to tape up his hip and she even taped it for him before his games. Dayna and Dr. Jones are wonderful. Dr. Jones took the time to explain what Airrosti is, how it works, and lets you know exactly what he’s doing. Jake had such quick results I thought I’d give it a try with my plantar fasciitis. I have suffered with my feet hurting for about 2 years. I went to Dr. Jones and now I finally have some relief with my feet! Dayna once…+ show more again was wonderful and showed me stretches and how to tape my feet. They are a true team, work together great, and are very easy to talk to! Jake and I highly recommend Dr. Jones and his staff for your Airrosti needs.
by Scott M.
I woke up one morning with acute pain in my left foot, as the day wore on I noticed I had lost 90 percent mobility and the ability to put any weight on it. I decided to contact a podiatrist in Kyle and scheduled an appointment for next day. While leaving a scheduled appointment with Dr. Linda Carney, she mentioned Airrosti Pain Management located in the same main building. I was able to be seen right away by Dr. Jones. After a 30-minute session Dr. Jones, he was able to give me almost all mobility back and I was able to walk normally with very minimal limp. The results were so incredible I actually attend a free foam roller training class he was holding at the local YMCA directly after the appointment. The follow up exercises and treatme…+ show morent plan provided by Dayna are great and assist greatly in the recovery process. If you’re looking for alternative pain management I highly recommend giving Airrosti a try!
by Kelly S.
Being in the fitness and health field, I was introduced to Airrosti by a coworker a few years ago that had phenomenal pain relief after completing treatments. After having more coworkers come to me about their success stories, I started referring people to Airrosti based on the success stories I heard. Not until I went myself for recurring shoulder pain, did I really believe in the treatment. About six years ago I was told that the tendon in my shoulder was slowly fraying, causing extreme pain and inflammation, sleepless nights, and limited range of motion. I went through the usual costly tests including x-ray and an MRI, and ended up getting a cortisone injection for pain relief. The next step was surgery. I then stayed away as I …+ show moredidn’t want to have surgery, and it was costly getting cortisone injections, so I stopped the doctor visits and lived with the discomfort and pain until I decided to give Airrosti a try. What relief! Dr. Dustin Jones and his staff in Buda were very professional and explained the treatment process and made me very comfortable during treatment. They took the time to talk about what my daily activities were and how the pain affected me so that they could provide the best treatment plan. I had complete relief in 3 visits. Airrosti truly lived up to my expectations and I continue to refer friends, family, and coworkers — something I wouldn’t do if I didn’t believe in it. Thank you Dr. Jones and Dayna!
by Reed B.
I am a long time runner/jogger, and injured my Achilles tendon. I stopped running for a couple of weeks, but the pain was still there when ran again. A running friend strongly recommended Airrosti. I knew nothing about Airrosti, but looked them up online and saw there was a location close by. Dr. Jones took a real interest in getting me running again, and explained that tight calve muscles can be the cause of Achilles problems. A myofascial release treatment of the tendon and calves followed along with a session with Dr. Jones’ associate Dayna Locke. Dayna demonstrated exercises to resolve my Achilles injury and to help loosen up my calves so I wouldn’t have problems in the future. Dr. Jones explained that Airrosti’s goal is to re…+ show moresolve injuries in three visits. While I had my doubts, two visits did it for me, and now I am back running at Lady Bird Lake.
by Art B.
I suffered, and I mean suffered, with excruciating knee pain for 40 years. Airrosti changed it on the first visit and consequently changed my life. I do not have the words to express my gratitude and appreciation to these angels of pain relief. They are extremely knowledgeable and professional. Heartfelt thanks and rock on!
by Doyla B.
I went to Dr. Jones in Buda after my orthopedic doctor told me I could no longer run. I had had an ACL replacement in 2010. I have been training for two years for a half marathon. In January 2014 after running one and a half miles I would get a sharp pain in my left knee. Thinking I had damaged my ACL I went to the orthopedic doctor. After an MRI, a cortisone shot and $1200 brace, I still had the issue. He told me I should try yoga. I had heard of people getting help by going to Airrosti for musculoskeletal treatment. After my first visit, I was able to get range of motion back into my left leg that I had not had since my last surgery. I was able to run a mile one minute faster than I had been able to do before. The treatment has taugh…+ show moret me how to stretch better and be able to run again without pain. Now I can do what I enjoy again — run.
by Aubre P.
We have been using Airrosti for about five years now. My husband started with work related injuries as a police officer and later mountain climbing injuries. My daughter started out in competitive dance and later started seeing Dr. Jones and Dayna for volleyball injuries. Then, about 6 months ago, I saw them for the first time when my back went out. There is not an injury out there that they have not treated in my family; aside from broken bones. Athletes can’t stop and medications only mask the pain. Airrosti relieves your pain all without medication and without telling you to slow down or stop. I cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. Jones or Dayna. They are truly miracle workers. I highly recommend Airrosti, and more spe…+ show morecifically Dr. Jones and Dayna, to anyone needing treatment for an injury, whether it is an old injury or a new one! You’ll usually be done in three treatments, though instant relief has come after only a single treatment!
by Leslie S.
My child Paris came in with Osgood-Schlatter disease and could barely walk! He is very active and plays football and basketball. His pediatrician’s PA diagnosed the problem, but also stated there wasn’t anything that could be done until he finished growing in ” two to three years”?! I heard Airrosti might help, so we saw Dr. Jones and Dayna, and after three treatments Paris was back to nearly 100 percent! He even won the 40-yard dash sprint contest that very week! The treatment was effective and paired together with an easy to follow home rehab plan consisting of icing and foam rolling. He is doing awesome! We really credit the expertise of the Airrosti team for the quick recovery and highly recommend this treatment and clinic! Thanks t…+ show moreo Dr. Jones and Dayna for everything!
by Michael J.
I tried Airrosti this year at the recommendation of several work colleagues after a painful groin pull. I went to Dr. Dustin Jones and Dayna Lowke in Buda, Texas. These two are an awesome team and worked with my injury in great detail. I really didn’t know what to think or expect, however, I was extremely happy with the results as my pain started to go away and I was feeling relief for the first time since the injury. Follow their instructions, don’t slack on any stretching and your injury will start to heal quicker. Dustin and Dayna work really well together and always do their best to ensure you start to get pain relief.
by Steve P.
I am a novice runner who occasionally runs 5K’s. I recently had runners knee, in which my left knee hurt so bad that I could not run. After three sessions with the magical thumbs of Dr. Jones, the pain was gone. I am back running 5K’s with no pain. Add to that the preventative exercises that were taught to me by his assistant Dayna, I have never felt better. Thank you Dr. Jones and thank you Dayna.
by Brandy O.
I have seen Dr. Jones for various issues ranging from low back pain to shoulder pain to carpal tunnel. He has successfully treated all of my issues and his recovery specialists have given me the tools I need to keep the issues from recurring. He also treated my daughter, who is a competitive gymnast. She loves him and he has her back on the gym floor doing what she loves after just a few visits. I highly recommend Dr. Jones to anyone I meet!
by Cathi P.
I suffered with severe pain in my Sacroiliac joint for many months. In just four visits, Dr. Dustin Jones was able to relieve the pain and it has not returned. It has been almost a year and a half since my last treatment.
by Raschel H.
I had a great experience with Airrosti treatment this year. I am a runner and had a bad ankle sprain. It was important for me to recover quickly not only for the pain relief but also to continue my running which is so much a part of my life.