Our November Provider of the Month is Dr. Douglas Daly! He loves his family, the outdoors, and helping his patients recover from their injuries and stay pain free. You can visit him at his practice in Longview, TX.
1) Where is your practice?
Longview, Texas.
2) Where are you originally from?
Lafayette, Louisiana.
3) How long have you been with Airrosti?
I’ve been with Airrosti for over 3 amazing years.
4) Describe your favorite thing about your job.
The best part of my job is watching a patient’s face light up when they get off my table, able to do things they haven’t been able to do in years due to pain or dysfunction.
5) Describe your ultimate vacation?
Ultimate vacation would be to travel to Scotland’s Isle of Islay, touring all of the Scotch distilleries, followed by a quick trip to Africa to bow hunt big game.
6) What’s your favorite all-time favorite movie?
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, or The Goonies.
7) What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
When I practiced in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, I was introduced to many different foods but the oddest may be ox tail in a peanut butter sauce over rice.
8) If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
If I won a million dollars, I’d invest and diversify the money.
9) If you were given a yacht what would you name it and why?
If I were given a yacht I’d name it “For Sale” because I don’t care for the water.
10) What’s your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is American football.
11) If you could have any super power, which would you choose and why?
Immortality, because there is so much to experience in this world and a finite amount of time to do it in.
12) Finally, name one thing you couldn’t live without.
I could not live without my children.