Meet our Provider of the Month, Michael Hilton, DC. We caught up with him to who his favorite director is, what he does in his spare time, and which recovery tool is his favorite!
Where is your practice?
Where are you originally from?
Natchitoches, Louisiana; got any good recommendations for gumbo places?
How long have you been with Airrosti?
Five years, babbbbbyyyy.
What’s your favorite thing about working at Airrosti?
Airrosti allows me the freedom to fully engage with patient care and do what I do best – crush pain.
Favorite recovery tool?
Not going to lie. I’ve been impressed with the Pso-Rite lately. There used to be very few tools to get deep into the upper portions of the hip flexors, and this one does a great job.
Best food/entertainment recommendation near your practice’s location?
Definitely try Thai’s Thumbz a few doors down from us. Just don’t eat a full plate of pad thai before I work on your hip flexors.
Name three things you love to do in your spare time.
I’m an author and entrepreneur, so spare time is hard to come by. But I love rock climbing, mountain biking, and jiu-jitsu.
What’s been your favorite trip/vacation, and why?
I recently went to NYC for the first time. Humans are kinda wild with what we can build.
Coffee or tea?
Gimme dat coffee.
Morning person or night owl?
For sure night owl. It’s not fair that society favors morning people. I’m starting a movement to change that. Please join.
What’s your favorite book, movie, or TV show, and why?
Big Christopher Nolan stan over here; all of his movies are great. Sorry, I’m so mainstream.