You’re soaked in sweat and out of breath, again. Your workouts tend to leave you panting and tired, but how do you really know if you’re getting a good workout?
Workouts shouldn’t leave you feeling drained, but they should challenge you. Simply put, neither sweat nor sore muscles are a good indicator of how effective your workout truly is.
Heart Rate. A good workout typically involves sustaining a heart rate of three-fourths the max for 20 minutes or longer. A simple formula to calculate that is: MAX HR = 208 – (age x 0.7). For example, if you’re 25 years old, your max heart rate is roughly 190 bpm. Multiply that by .75, and you get roughly 143 bpm. This total is your target heart rate and should be sustained for at least 20 minutes in order to get a good cardiovascular workout.
The easiest way to keep track of your heart rate throughout your workout is to use a heart rate monitor or other fitness technology to record and review your workouts.
It’s also important to take note of your resting heart rate. If the morning after a workout you wake up and your resting heart rate is still above normal, you may not be fully recovered and may need more rest in order to avoid overtraining.
Restful Sleep. One of the best signs that point to a good workout is a night of good, restful sleep. Some research suggests that even a single workout can improve your sleep quality.
However, if you feel restless when you lay down at night, you may be overtraining causing your body to not know how to slow down for recovery. Pay attention to your sleep quality to get a gauge on how your body is handling your workouts.
Improved Focus. Getting your heart pumping and your body moving gives you a good mental boost. If you feel better leaving the gym than you did going in, that’s a sign of a good workout.
Not only will you have better clarity, but the endorphins that come with exercise will also make you feel happier and more confident!
If an old injury or aches and pains have been keeping you from your best workout, give Airrosti a try. Our providers pinpoint the cause of your pain and treat it directly at the source to get you pain free and moving your best again.
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