Tony Parker

NBA Player


When professional basketball player Tony Parker was looking for a better and faster way to recover from injuries, former teammate Michael Finley recommended Airrosti. Parker was amazed at how quickly he was able to come back from a series of injuries, including plantar fasciitis, an ankle sprain, a strained back, and a serious calf injury that threatened to take him out of competition for several weeks. Watch Parker’s unpaid Airrosti Testimonial, and discover why he recommends Airrosti for everyone from professional athletes to weekend warriors.


Hi, I’m Tony Parker from the San Antonio Spurs. The first time I heard about Airrosti was from Michael Finley. I was battling an injury called plantar fasciitis. It was bothering me for most of the season and I was trying to get something new, like a new approach or a new kind of treatment. Michael told me about Airrosti. He said that if you use them you’ll come back faster and back to normal, and that’s what happened.

Every time I had injuries I tried to see them and see what they can do. The thing that surprised me the most is how fast you can come back from the treatment. One time, I sprained my ankle and I couldn’t walk. The next day they worked on my ankle and I was back walking after two days. I had a strained back as well. I called Jason from Airrosti and, after one treatment, I was already feeling better. I was walking and getting better. So for athletes, that’s huge because you’re always trying to stay healthy and injuries are part of the game.

One of my big injuries was last year, when I hurt my calf. My doctor said I’d be out for 4 weeks, and after 3 days I was back on the court playing against Miami. They did a lot of treatments, it was very intense, but it was worth it because I was back in under a week. A lot of people were surprised that I came back so fast from my calf injury. My coach was even joking that I had some French treatment. It was funny to see everybody’s reaction. But, because of Airrosti, I came back a lot faster.

I think Airrosti can be good for everybody, not just athletes. You can be an average person and if something bothers you or you have pain, you can go see them. It’s very different from normal treatment. It’s a different kind of treatment and you heal faster. A little pain, back pain, your knee’s sore, or your ankle’s sore, you can definitely go see them.