It can often be difficult to determine what may be causing pain or an injury. Quad pain is no different. Between a quadriceps tendon tear or a quadriceps strain, getting to the bottom of your pain can help figure out treatment. Keep reading to learn the key differences between a quadriceps strain and a quadriceps tendon tear!
Quadriceps Strain
Quadriceps strains, or a pulled quad, occurs when the muscle fibers tear or overstretch either due to excessive force or strain, or sudden movements or changes in direction. These strains, like all muscle strains, are categorized by Grades 1, 2, or 3, depending on the severity.
- Grade 1: Minor overstretching of the muscle, with microtears that cause mild pain or discomfort and tenderness.
- Grade 2: Moderate pain with partial tears to the muscle, as well as increased swelling and limited movement.
- Grade 3: The most severe, with a complete muscle tear occurring. This can result in intense pain, along with swelling, bruising and loss of strength and function to the area.
Quadriceps Tendon Tear
The quadriceps tendon connects the quad muscles to the patella, or kneecap. Like a quad strain, a quadriceps tendon tear (also known as a tendon rupture) occurs when excessive force or direct impact happens to the area. Other factors include weakened tendons from tendonitis, chronic-related conditions, or lack of mobility.
Quad tendon tears happen either partially, or completely. Symptoms include:
- Pain and swelling
- Bruising or tenderness above the kneecap
- Noticeable indent at the tendon
- Difficulty walking or straightening your leg
Tendon tears may require x-rays or imaging to diagnose. Partial tears may be managed more conservatively with rest or physical therapy. However, complete tears may require surgery to fix, as well as rehab after to regain strength and mobility.
Risk Factors of Quad Strain and Quad Tendon Tears
Both quadriceps strains and tendon tears can occur with excessive force to the area, as well as sudden movements or changes in direction. Both injuries are seen usually in those who participate in sports such as soccer, basketball, or football.
Additionally, these injuries are more susceptible to those who may not be adequately warming up before exercise. When muscles aren’t properly activated before working out, as well as cooled down, this can increase the risk of injury or strain.
To learn more about quad strains, watch as Airrosti’s Ally Jackson, DC, explains more about the common causes and signs, and how Airrosti approaches treatment.
Airrosti: One-Stop Shop for Quad Pain
The best way to avoid quad injuries is to stay one step ahead of them and keep your quads strong by strengthening and stretching the area out! However, if you are experiencing quadriceps pain but can’t seem to alleviate the pain on your own, schedule a visit to Airrosti!
At Airrosti, our Providers are highly trained at diagnosing and treating quad injuries through hands-on manual therapy and exercises to address both weak and tight muscles to treat them directly at their source. Our Providers can determine the root cause of your pain and create a personalized treatment plan so you can get back to a pain-free life!
For more information, call (800) 404-6050.
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